The Role Of A Wedding Toast Master

by | Jun 22, 2019 | Photography | 0 comments

Why should you hire a Toastmaster for your wedding?

Picture a Toastmaster, I bet you’re thinking of a more elderly gent, clad all in red and barking orders at your guests. I used to think exactly the same until I met Stefan, The Tall Toastmaster. Once I’d worked alongside him I was happy to admit that I’d been wrong to tarnish him with that tag and he was a joy to spend the day with. Plus he made a huge difference to how the wedding ran, meaning my couple could relax and enjoy their day.

I sat down with Stefan and we chatted about what he brings to a wedding and why you should think about booking a Toastmaster for your day.

Wedding Toastmaster at Pryors Hayes in Cheshire

Stefan! Thanks for your time, now for those who don’t know tell my readers what the role of a Toastmaster is on a wedding day.

I like to think of myself as a calming influence on the day. My primary role is to look after the couple and their guests, liaising with suppliers and the venue and ensuring that, as much as possible, everything runs smoothly and on time.

I’m basically a safe pair of hands, dealing with anything and everything that crops up.

When do you start working with the couple?

Before we’ve even got to the wedding I’ll have helped the couple out with their plans and timings for the day. I know from my own wedding that the more planning a wedding has the more relaxed things are on the day. Knowing that all the finer details are being taken care of in the background means that the couple enjoy their day without any worries.

Beeston Manor Wedding Toastmaster
Stefan The Tall Toastmaster

How does a more typical wedding day pan out?

I’m not sure there is such a thing as a typical wedding day, as you’ve experienced Nik! However there are a few things that tend to be the same regardless of anything else that crops up.

I’ll arrive at the venue ahead of the ceremony. That means I can build a nice rapport with the staff. I’ll go through timings with whoever is co-ordinating the day and the photographer/videographer. It always helps when we’re all on the same page!

Once the registrars arrive I’ll introduce myself and see if there’s anything they would like me to do during the ceremony. I’m a dab hand at button holes, ties and hankies so I’ll give the ushers a hand with those (always happens!) and I’ll also talk through their role for the day and run through the ceremony seating plan.

Once the ceremony is over I’ll make sure that the arrival drinks are all ready for the couple and guide the guests to their drinks/wherever the photographer would like them. I’ll assist the photographer with any family group shots and annouce the confetti photo and/or large group photograph.

If canapes have been ordered I’ll make sure that the venue have set aside a plate just for the couple (you’d be surprised how rarely this happens and the poor couple miss out!) and I always make sure the couple have a drink to hand. I’m then there to answer any questions the guests may have.

Photo By Chris Chambers Photography
Toastmaster assists with grooms buttonhole

This all sounds great, and as a photographer it’s always nice to have a helping hand with group shots! So, I’m guessing the next portion of the day – the wedding breakfast and speeches – is where you really come into your own?

It is indeed! I’ll arrange the receiving line if they’re having one and then once everyone is seated I’ll announce the couple in.

At this point I’ll then tell everyone all about ‘the bell’. I let the couple know they can ring the bell at any point if they need me or they want a top up! It always gets a laugh and guests love it.

When it’s time for the speeches I’ll check the order of the speakers and introduce each one. I always encourage guests to make a lot of noise and cheer each speaker on. It can be daunting so all cheers and applause are encouraged!

My next big role in the proceedings is the evening reception and first dance. I make sure that guests know where they need to be and when, calling them back into the main room when everything is ready. I’ll organise the cake cutting if it’s happening at this point in the evening and make sure the DJ knows when to announce the couple before they go into their first dance and kick off the party.

Toastmaster announces bride and groom into wedding breakfast
Photo By Key Reflections
Photo By Key Reflections

If you want to know more about Stefan and how he can be a part of your wedding head over to his website and drop him a message
